KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 History Chapter 1 Advent of Europeans to India


I. Complete the following blanks with suitable answers:

1) In 1453, the Ottoman Turks occupied __________

Answer: Constantinople

2) The sea route between India and Europe was discovered by __________

Answer: Vasco-da Gama

3) In 1741 Dutch declared war on __________

Answer: Travancore

4) The capital of the French in India was __________

Answer: Pondicherry

5) In 1757, Robert Clive declared __________ battle over Siraja-ud-Daulah.

Answer: Plassey

6) The Diwani rights over Bengal were handed over to the British by __________

Answer: Shah Alam-II

7) The Dual government policy was implemented by __________ in Bengal.

Answer: Robert Clive

II. Discuss in groups and answer the following questions:

1) How did trade take place between India and Europe during Middle Ages?

Answer: The Arab merchants carried the Asian Merchandise into Constantinople of Eastern Roman (Byzantium) Empire. Italian merchants would buy these goods and then sell in European countries. There was a great demand for Indian spices like pepper, cardamom, Ginger and many other spices in Europe. Like this, Constantinople was the center of international business and considered as the ‘Gate of European Trade’, while Arab merchants had gained a monopoly over the trade in Europe, the merchandise from Asia had brought good profits to Italian merchants.

2) Discuss the causes that resulted in the discovery of a new sea route to India.

Answer: The trade and commerce between Asia and Europe were taking place through the city of Constantinople. In 1453, the Ottoman Turks captured the city of Constantinople. As a result all the trade routes connecting the city of Constantinople came under the control of Turks. The Turks started levying too many taxes on the goods passing through these roptes. As a result, the merchants felt that the trade was not profitable. Meanwhile, Spain and Portugal were attempting to break the monopoly of Italian traders. They started encouraging courageous sailors to find a sea route to India. The invention of Compass, Astrolabes, and Gunpowder provided further impetus to this venture.

3) List the Europeans who came to India for trade.


1. Portuguese: Portuguese were the first to arrive at India for the trade and were also the last to leave India on the sea route.
2. Dutch : Dutch are from Holland or Netherlands. They established United East India Company in 1602 with tie aim of doing business with eastern countries and entered countries like india, Java, Sumatra, Indonesia and Spices rich islands.
3. English: In 1600, December 31, Queen Elizabeth issued a royal charter authorizing East India Company to trade with Eastern Countries for fifteen years.
4. French: French East India Company started as a government-owned company in 1664. It started its first factory in Surat in the year 1668. In this way Portuguese, Dutch, English and French were the Europeans who arrived at India to do business.

4) Explain the Second Carnatic War.

Answer: In the changed circumstances, French made Salabath Jung, another son of AsafJha as the Nizam of Hyderabad. An officer named Bussi was stationed in Hyderabad for his protection by French. In Carnatic Chandsaheb was the Nawab with the help of French. Robert Clive of East India Company attacked Arcot, the capital city of Carnatic and defeated Chandsaheb. Chandsaheb was imprisoned and later killed in this war. In the place of Chandsaheb, the English named Mahammad Ali, the son of Anwaruddin, as the Nawab of Carnatic. The second Carnatic war ended with the Treaty of Pondicherry. French recalled Dupleix. This war brought laurels to English, while French suffered a political setback.

5) Explain the causes and results of the battle of Plassey.

Answer: Battle of Plassey (1757):Aliwardi Khan, the Nawab of Bengal died in 1756. His grandson Siraj-ud-Daula came to throne. The Plassey Battle took place between the young Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula and the British in 1757.


1. Misuse of Dastakaths: Siraj-ud- Daula was furious that the Dastakaths were misused by the officials of the company incurring losses to the government treasury.
2. Mending of the fort without permission: The British repaired the fort of Calcutta and placed canons in them. This further angered Siraj- ud-Daula and he ordered the removal of canons from the court. The British refused to do this angering the Nawab further.
3. Black Room Tragedy: Siraj-ud- Daula conquered the Fort William easily and imprisoned some of the British. He imprisoned 146 Englishmen in a small room in the fort, of which 123 died. This is called as the Black Room Tragedy. This enraged Robert Clive and arrived in Bengal with a large army.


1. This war brought out the immorality, lack of unity among the Indians and the greed of Indian businessmen.
2. Mir Jaffar became the Nawab of Bengal.
3. The company gained exclusive rights to do business in-Bengal.
4. Mir Jaffar had to pay rupees seventeen qorner and seventy lakh to as a relief to Sirja-ud-Daula’s attack on the Fort William.
5. The British projected Mir Jaffar as an inefficient Nawab and brought in his nephew Mir Qasim as the new Nawab.

6) What were the results of the Battle of Buxar?

Answer: The combined forces of Mir Qasim faced the British army led by Hector Munro at Buxar in 1764. Mir Qasim got defeated and ran away from the battlefield. Sha Alam-II surrendered. The efforts of the combined forces to stop the British force failed completely.


1. Sha Alam-II accorded the Dewani rights over Bengal to the British.
2. Sha Alam-II gave away all the rights over Bengal to the British for an annual fee of rupees 26 lakhs.
3. The Nawab of Awadh had to give away a fine of rupees 50 lakh for waging a war against the company.
4. With the death of Mir Jaffar, the company paid pension to his son and took over the entire administration of Bengal.

III. Additional Questions and Answers

1) Dutch establish __________ company.

Answer: United East India.

2) The Mughul Emperor __________ issued royal permission to English to establish their first warehouse of the factory at Surat.

Answer: Jahangir.

3) English had established__________, __________ and __________ as the centres of their Presidencies.

Answer: Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta.

4) French started their first factory insured in the year __________

Answer: 1668.

5) The Hyderabad Kingdom was established in 1724 by __________

Answer: Asaf Jah.

6) Between English and French __________ Carnatic wars took place.

Answer: 3 (three).

7) Shah Alam-II accorded the __________ rights over Bengal to the British

Answer: Diwani.

8) English started their first warehouse of a factory at __________

Answer: Surat.

9) Robert Clive brought in __________ concept.

Answer: Dual-government.

10) Nasir Jung defeated French and took __________

Answer: Hyderabad.

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